Wednesday, September 02, 2009

the shape shifter

I’m really not into office cliques. But I do have a set of really nice friends in my workplace and I enjoy their company very much. However, in the last year or so, there has been a new addition to our little group— a loud, intrusive, overly in-your-face people-pleaser addition.

I know I sound like I complain a lot about a lot of people, but honestly I have tried my level best to like this person but I just cannot seem to do it no matter how hard I try. There is something about this person I just cannot seem to like.
The saddest part is, this person, whom I will now refer to as ‘X’, doesn’t seem to annoy the rest of the group, which is why X is always around—at every party, every outing, every lunch, every tea break and, in effect, every god damned waking moment of my life.

X has to be the center of attention. X has to be the one that laughs the loudest; the first to give a ‘high-five’, the first to feign concern if you’re having a hard time and the first to poke its nose into other peoples lives. X shows off their work— something that I never can do. X never says no. X has also complained to my friends about how it thinks I don’t like it much. The pity vote.

X is a shape-shifter. X changes its personality with different company. X mimics your thoughts and acts like you until you think, “Oh my God, we’re so similar, she should be my best friend…” X has done this with all of my friends leading them to believe X is one of them.

I am not afraid of admitting it, I do not like X one tiny bit. But my friend’s do, and I love my friends, after all they are my core group at this point in my life. I wouldn’t dream of making them pick one over the other because I don’t want to be that person. X annoys me so much sometimes, that my mood just gets ruined entirely. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work at all in my favour because X looks all jovial while I am portrayed to be the moody, easily-angered, uptight person—making X more fun to hang around with.

So I am living with it. And I am working on trying to like this person and not nurture thoughts of ripping X’s head out.

I know it’s my issue and I need to stop letting it affect me so much. I’m working on it. But until then, let this be my catharsis.


Anonymous said...

hahahahahha what a riot this one was. I just cannot seem to guess who this is. I feel the same so many times too...everyone likes the person but related!!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! Now that I just guessed the's so much funnnnn! I'm gonna read it again now...this is like Taboo :)

taikun said...

Wow! I like X! Does X have a blog? :P

Spazsim Chasm said...

Vanity - I had a feeling you'd guess. But you took longer than i thought.

Taikun... I don't know if she has a blog, let me check on that for you. And if you like X so much, why don't you give her a job so she's out of my hair and life and in yours?

Mayur said...

Got to your blog through vanity's. She may have mentioned me. Very good read. Always enjoy the occasional nightmare ride through a woman's psyche. Keep posting.

Spazsim Chasm said...

@ Mayur: yea, i've read some of your comments of Vanity... thanks for stopping by.