Thursday, January 05, 2006


I want more
I have always wanted more than I got.

When I was a child, I wanted more ice-cream on my chocolate cake. I wanted more birthday cake in my plate. I wanted more dolls. More crayons. More.

When I was in school I wanted more friends. I wanted more responsibilities. I wanted more challenges. More.

When I was in college I wanted more boys. I wanted more love. I wanted more clothes. I wanted more popularity.

I want more recognition. I want more than just a “good work” statement. I want more than just a kiss on the cheek. I want more than just a flirty glance. I want more than just one mail. I want more than a conversation on MSN. I want more than just a compliment about my eyes. I want more compliments.

I want more than only one ad released. I want more than just to work. I want more books. I want more things. More music. More clothes. More bags.

More love.

I have messed things up by wanting too much. I have ruined relationships by being too selfish. I have often put people on the spot asking for more than they could give.

For that I am sorry.

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