Tuesday, April 11, 2006

kamikaze chicken

So I did not take the new job. Yes, I may have lost out on a great opportunity to work with a great individual. It may have been a horrible decision on my part. But who's to tell.

Decisions. Decisions. The things I dread. I hate making them, I hate having discussions about them. I hate dealing with the consequences of them. I can't stand the millions of opinions, the advice and the suggestions you get. Especially when you don't want to hear any of it.

I got a lot of advice and I took a lot of opinions and I was swayed more than once in several directions. I lost sleep, appetite and I'm sure hair, in the past few days. Things were offered to me, things were asked by me. Negotiations and discussions ultimately landed

And now the decision has been made and there is no going back. There is no changing this pendulum of a mind I have. There is no more oscillating left to do.

Decisions. I hate decisions. I hate the word. I almost hate the consequences. Because after the decision, inevitably comes the 'what if'. What if I had ordered that instead, I would have enjoyed my meal more. What if I bought that top, then I would have looked so hot today. Ok, so these are trivial. But trust me, if I go to the life altering decisions I have made, I will probably break down and cry with all the 'what if's' running through my head.

Will I have a better sleep tonight, knowing my decision is made? Hell no. Cause now the what if's are kicking in. Already.

I'd like people to make my decisions for me. Like a professional decision maker.

No, it's not cause I am a submissive little thing. Far from it. It's cause I would love to have someone to blame if it ever blows up in my face. How could you tell me to do that? It's all your fault. I wanted to do the other thing!
Damn you. I hate you. You have ruined my life. Fix it! Now!

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Tantrums. Decision's evil twin.

So my previous post on living life and doing what you want and being passionate and living every second as if it is your last, is a cart full of crap apparently. Cause I did not take a risk and plunge into the unknown. I chose, Ahem, I made the decision to be safe. I cautiously backed away from a risk, never taking my eyes off it for fear it would consume me. I stayed in my little comfort, risk-free zone.

I chickened out.

But in my defense, I really did get the ear-piercing.


Queenmatrai said...

Im happy with ur decision :)


± said...

hey...whatever makes you happy.
all these things are very superficial spaze'...
usually when we seek opinions and advice, we have made up our mind.untill then we sulk and think in silence. once we see a direction our mind sways towards...we start the opinion poll. and we do it to see where we stand on the consensus chart. asking people who we like, look up to, guaging their response or preparing them...it is all a search for the echo of our decisions. the ones WE have made.

you made a decision that made you feel safe. well, in my humble opinion, that was what your decision was supposed to do in the first place. and it does not mean you are submissive. it just means you like to see yourself happy and secure. nothing wrong with that. you gotta be selfish to survive or be happy. the magnitude would differ...

'what if' is a very dangerous area to venture into. that is the area of acute mental masturbation that should be left to clients, suits and planners. and sometimes insecure & bad bosses ;-)
they do it best...

run lola (SpaZe') run...do what your gut tells you and you will be safe. i guarantee that.
because the most powerful human instinct...is survival.

good luck sweety. inshallah the new and cute boss along with the bigger and fatter paycheck shall bring some good cheer.
or just order some beer.


ps- when you lost sleep and all, i wish you'd have lost some pink...

goldfluke said...

heart goes out to your self flagellation. but do stop at some point.

stuff happens woman. mostly for the best. so pls to move on and effect your chosen environment the best you can.

and btw very well written entry. nice nice nice.

Ajeya said...

what if we didn't what if so much?