Friday, February 10, 2006

seven and deadly

So, I was having this conversation with some people in the office. A question was posed to us, a rather interesting and very insightful question...
"If you and an excess of one of the seven deadly sins, which would it be?"
After contemplation... i muttered Lust. Definatly Lust.
Yea, sure sleeping is one of my favourite things to do, but I also love to dance and walk and go out, so it can't be Sloth.
Yup, I do love to eat, but hey my eyes are bigger than my stomach... not physically...jeez.. it's just that no matter how much I think I can eat, I only can manage one fourth of it... So Gluttony is out... And Greed I guess.
Wrath, there have been very few times that I have experienced complete Wrath. Intence anger.. This is only when I care about something enough to make my blood pressure hit the roof.
Envy, yes I am a jealous one. If looks could kill, there would be a lot of women and men dead right now. But, most of the time, I just don't bother. So it's not envy.
Pride. Ahhh. I am a Leo. I am the queen of my castle. I am the head of the jungle. But I am also a meek, gulible fool, who is often a door-mat, despite her own better judgement.. So, yes I have immence pride.. But it's not in excess.
So, I was left with Lust. I like to look at male posteriors. I like to have a picture of Fredrik Ljungberg on my desktop. It's the one of him with no shirt on. I love to flirt. I love that rush. I love boys. I love men. I am not going to deny it. Lust. Definatly Lust.
Then I went on line to look up these cardinal sins, the deadly ones, these capital vices.. I wanted to know the punishment. Damn.

Lust (Latin, luxuria) (fornication, perversion) Desire of the Flesh.
Punishment: Smothered in brimstone and fire.
Ouch! At least I won't be dismembered alive. Yay!

What are yours? Give it a go...
And just so you know how you're gonna end up.. give this a look see..

Gluttony: Force-fed rats, toads, and snakes
(The people up north would feel right at home.. they eat elephant pickle.)

Greed: Boiled in oil
(ahhh, the human fritter.)

Sloth: Thrown into a snake pit
(ok. Well, that's gonna make you run around and get you up off that lazy ass.)

Wrath: Dismembered alive
(oooo.. that's gotta hurt. But aren't you gonna be angrier post the dismemberment?)

Envy: Put in freezing water
(Huh? I think this would be a better Lust punishment for men. The "go take a cold shower" theory.)

Pride: Broken on the wheel
(Whatever this means.. I think it's one of those ancient punishment gadgets)

Now that you know...

Have fun in hell my pretties.... muahahahaahah(evil laugh)


Queenmatrai said...

Lust Lust and More Lust

You must've noticed I have Bruce Willis on my pinboard and Chris Noth as a screen saver

Need I say more?


± said...


hope to see you around at the brimstone.

though i can assure you, i'll have to pay a few short visits to the other 6 too...;-)

byker7 said...


And I guess we can amend that old saying to go "those who live by the wheel, die by the wheel."